Labour and Social Affairs

ein Stahlarbeiter im Schutzanzug entnimmt eine 1500 Grad heiße Roheisenprobe, © Rupert Oberhäuser/picture alliance
The Labour and Social Affairs unit of the permanent representation is responsible for employment and social policy related topics. Our main task is to represent the German government in the Social Questions Working Party of the Council of the European Union, which negotiates proposals for directives and regulations of the Council concerning – among others - the labour market, labour law, occupational health and safety, securing skilled labour, social security and policies for persons with disabilities.
Examples for current legislative proposals in our competence are:
- Working conditions in platform work
- Protection of workers from (carcinogenic) hazardous substances
- Strengthening the role of European Works Councils
- Improving the working conditions for trainees
- Establishment of an EU Talent Pool
- Better coordination of social security systems
- Introduction of a European Disability Card and a European Parking Card for people with disabilities
- Corporate sustainability due diligence
We also cover with a wide range of non-legislative initiatives, such as:
- Promotion of European Social Dialogue
- A future Social Agenda as part of the Strategic Agenda 2024 - 2029
- European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan
- Implementation of the European Skills Agenda in the framework of the European Semester
- Monitoring of the Youth Guarantee
- Evaluation of the mandate of the European Labour Authority (ELA)
- Council conclusions on mental health and precarious work
- Council recommendation on access to social protection for workers and the self-employed
- Digitalisation of the coordination of social security systems
- Strategy for the rights of persons with disabilities
- Social inclusion of persons with disabilities
- Council recommendation on adequate minimum income
- Council recommendation on developing social economy framework conditions
- Labour and skills shortages
Our unit is in regular dialogue with the relevant EU institutions and organisations, and maintains close contacts with the European Economic and Social Committee and social partners.
Further information is available at:
Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council
Working Party on Social Questions
Labor and Social Affairs within the European Commission (DG EMPL)
Labor and Social Affairs within the European Parliament (EMPL Committee)