Economic Affairs

Container ship, © colourbox.com
The Department for Economic Affairs deals with competitiveness, space policy, trade policy, cohesion-, structural and regional policy, competition policy, telecommunications and postal services, company law, energy policy, media and culture as well as sports:
(*The Division for Environmental Policy is part of the Department for Economic Affairs but will be shown separately.)
- Industrial policy
- Internal Market policy
- Better Regulation
- SME policy
- Tourism policy
- Public Procurement
- State Aid policy
- Competition policy
- Ecodesign
- Technical Harmonisation
- Vehicles
- European Standardisation
- Product Regulation
- Information procedure for technical regulations
- Economic statistics
European Space Policy
Trade policy
- Common EU-Trade Policy (incl. investment protection, trade in services)
- Bilateral EU-Trade Agreements
- Autonomous EU-Trade Instruments
- Specific Questions of Foreign Trade Policiy (in particular : generalized system of preferences, tariff quotas and suspensions)
- Trade Defense Instruments (e.g. : antidumping, anti-subsidy)
- Market access and origin matters
- Textile trade, commodities, raw materials
- World Trade Organisation (WTO)
- Economic and trade-related aspects of the EU-relations to third countries
- Export- and Investment Promotion
- Dual-use items (dual-use regulation)
- Sanction Law
Cohesion-, Structural and Regional policy
Competition Issues
Legal Advisor for Infringement Proceedings
Telecommunications and Postal Services
*The Department is in charge of most of the issues dealt with in the council working groups telecommunication and postal services.
- Data Act
- Revision of the eIDAS regulation (European Digital Identity Framework)
- ePrivacy-Regulation
- Regulation about Artificial Intelligence
- Interoperable Europe Act
- Roaming Regulation
- Internet Governance (ICANN: Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, IGF: Internet Governance Forum)
- Telecommunication Issues in multilateral international organisations (ITU, G7, G20 etc.)
- European Codex for Electronic Eommunication
- European Declaration about Digital Rights and Principles
- Issues with a Digital policy focus within in the Trade and Technology Councils (TTC) with the USA and India
- EU-Digital partnerships
- Strategy for the Digital Internal Market
- Revision of the Postal Services Directive
Company Law
- Intellectual and industrial property rights
- Corporate and Accounting Law
- Law against unfair competition
- Insurance Law
Energy Policy
- General Issues of Energy Policy
- Energy security
- Internal Market for Energy, incl. Electricity and Gas
- Energy Networks / - infrastructures
- Renewable Energies
- Energy Efficiency
- Energy Labelling and Ecodesign
- External relations of Energy policy (incl. Energy Charter Treaty, Energy Community)
- Energy Technologies
- Nuclear Policy (nuclear safety and security, radiation protection, disposal)
Media Policy
- Audiovisual media / Radio and TV
- European Media Freedom Act
- EU-Filmsector
- Media in the digital field
Cultural Policy
- EU culture working plan 2023 – 2026
- Programme Creative Europe
- International Relations in the culture sector
- Cultur-related Aid- and Solidarity measures for Ukraine
Sports Policy
- Good governance in Sport
- Initiatives and legal questions on sustainable sport
- Programme Erasmus +
- European sport model
- EU-Coordination WADA
The Department is headed by Till Spannagel.