Military Policy Department

12.11.2018, Mali, Bamako: the command over the European Union Training Mission Mali (EUTM Mali) is handed over to Bundeswehr General Peter Mirow., © dpa
The Military Policy Department began its work within the Foreign Affairs, Security and Development Policies Division of the Permanent Representation of Germany to the EU in June 2001. It is headed by an admiral or general, assisted in the substantive work by a deputy, and two desk officers. For the period of preparation and the German EU Council Presidency in the second half of 2020 (EU2020), the department was strengthened by three additional desk officers and a second office manager. The additional desk officers will continue their Brussels-based work on the CSDP topics throughout the French EU Council Presidency in the first.
The Head of Department and its staff advise the German Permanent Representative to the European Union and the German Representative to the Political and the EU Security Committee (PSC) in security and all military-political issues. He is also the deputy of the German Military Representative in the EU Military Committee, representing the Inspector General of the Bundeswehr within the EU in this capacity.
The Military Policy Department works in close coordination with the management of the house, the German members of the PSC, the Foreign Office and the Federal Ministry of Defence with regard to:
- Bilateral and multilateral coordination within the committees and working groups of the EU
- Coordination with the EU institutions
- Military Political preparation, monitoring and advice in conferences and meetings of EU bodies
- Preparation of the EU informal defense ministers' meeting
- Development and tuning of contributions to military policy issues
- Taking care of / Reception of military visitors and groups
Head of the Military Policy Department is Admiral Jens Beckmann.