Food and Agriculture

25.02.2019, Niedersachsen, Hannover: straw balesJulian Stratenschulte/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++, © dpa
The Food and Agriculture Unit of the Permanent Representation to the EU is responsible for food, agriculture and fisheries policies.
The main pillars are the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). Across sectors, the European Green Deal (EGD) and the Farm-to-Fork (F2F) strategy in particular set important goals.
I. Food policy, food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy
- Pursuing a holistic nutrition policy and working on uniform quality standards, protected indications of origin and designations of origin, and comprehensive information for consumers.
- Consumer health protection and food safety: Further development of the basic safety requirements for products and of European legislation for a high level of consumer protection.
- Animal Health and Welfare: Advocate for effective prevention and control of animal diseases, responsible use of veterinary medicines, and revision of EU animal welfare legislation for higher animal protection.
- Plant health and plant protection: Pursue EU legislation on plant disease prevention, phytosanitary import controls, monitoring of emerging pests and prevention of their spread.
II. Agriculture
- Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): Accompanying the processes for basic income support and eco-schemes in the first pillar as well as the promotion of area-related environmental and climate measures in the second pillar of the CAP and further measures to support sustainable food production systems.
- Rural development: Strengthening structures and incorporating the interests of rural areas, for example within the framework of the EU Future Conference and the EU Rural Pact.
- Forest policy and forest management: Work on strategies, legislative initiatives and other projects related to forest policy and forest management for sustainable forestry.
- Implement and finance the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) to conserve fish stocks, promote a competitive fishing industry, and make markets for fishery products competitive.
- Participate in the annual setting of Total Allowable Catches (TACs) for individual fish stocks based on scientific advice.
- Strengthen control mechanisms and effective measures to combat illegal fishing.
- Advocate for sustainable resource management in the framework of EU fisheries agreements with third countries and in international and regional organizations.
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